City, State, Zip
Phone Number
Best time to call
E-mail address
Please list names and ages of others at location
How long have you been at location
Do you know any of the history of location
When did activity first happen
What have you experienced
Are there any children experiencing anything
Where is the activity occuring
Has it been getting worse or more frequent
Has anyone experienced anything that does not live/work there
Have you captured anything paranormal on audio tape or video
Have you looked for explanations that could possibly make it not paranormal
Has anything ever happened to you at a different location
Are you scared for yourself or others
When was the most recent incident
Explain what happened
Is anyone dependant on drugs or alcohol
Anyone ever practice in the occult or use ouija board
What religion are you
Any recent remodeling
What would you like done
Are you willing to let us do an investigation
Please add any comments/questions